R.I.P to my best friend Jake


New member
I had to make the worst decision of my life last night by putting my best friend Jake to sleep. He had many health issues, but lived life to it's fullest with medications and love. He had a Grand Mal Seizure, did not recover normally and the emergency vet told us she thought it was time to put him to sleep. He was walking in circles (when he could walk at all), whining (which he never did before), his head was turned to the left and he could barely respond to his name. He has been on seizure meds for the 8 1/2 years we had him and still had pop up seizures while meds were being adjusted. He was the best boy, the captain of our bass boat, the dog mayor at camp and was loved by everyone there. We lost our other pup a year and four months ago, so he was everything to us. My whole Marriage I had these two dogs in our lives and now it's just empty in our house. For all of you who still have your little furbaby give them lots of love since you never know when this will be the last day you get to spend with them since both of ours died suddenly. I don't regret a day I got to spend with Jake, I only wish I had more days. Why do those who bring us such joy and love die so young? 12 years and 7 Months is not enough time on earth and having him for 8 1/2 years went by way to fast. At least I got to hold him in my arms while he crossed the rainbow bridge to be with his sister Gidget.
@hana14 I'm sure it was the best decision, not the worst. One of the hardest though, for sure. You did the right thing; I didn't want to let go of my last one and I let myself become selfish. Better that they aren't suffering even if it hurts us that much.
@hana14 Now I lay me down to sleep,

A bag of cookies at my feet,

If I should die before I wake,

Give them to my brother, Jake.

— Father Mulcahy
@hana14 So very sorry for the loss of your buddy. My best boy Diego crossed Rainbow Bridge last August. It's painful not to have them physically here with us, but I swear I still feel his presence around me and talk to him every day. I'm sure Gidget and Jake are with you in spirit!
@hana14 Sorry for your loss
I lost two of my dogs pass at only 8 years old,8 is way to young.i wish i could have spent more time with then both,but i guess "We cant be sad they are no longer hear,be happy they were born"
@hana14 Jake was the Best Boy as you said, and he was also a very lucky boy to have a wise, compassionate, and loving dad who made decisions with Jake's best interests at heart, no matter how much they tear Dad's apart. I'm so very sorry for your loss. You and Jake are in my heart and thoughts today. 🐕🐕
@hana14 Oh my heart! The hardest thing you ever have to do, but you did it out of love for him & i am sure he knows that. You gave him so much love & a happy life, he is in heaven now, & not gone. My dog is also my best friend, he is 14 now with a grey face love that face, i hope he can’t sense my worries of him ever leaving me.
@hana14 I’m so sorry you have lost your best friend. Saying that won’t make it any better. But knowing you’re not alone will. The worst part about owning a dog is that they can’t live as long as you do. Coincidentally my first dog ever was an old golden retriever named Jake. Best dog ever. Suffering from stomach cancer so we decided it was best to let him lay in peace. I cried for the rest of the night. But in exchange I had 13 years of unadulterated unearned love from him.