Pyr/lab mix growled at friends


New member
I have a 2 Y/O Great pyrenees/Lab mix. I've had her since she was about 12 weeks old, and she's always been a bit edgy but she roams our farm, loves to play Frisbee and go out on runs/walks. We also have two small children who are trained to leave her alone when she eats...she seems happy enough with our children and if she has had enough kid time, she usually just slinks away.

We recently started having friends over on the weekends for play dates, and our doggo growls and snarls at the other young kids. I have not seen her bite or nip but she does do this teeth chattering thing-- she does it to me everytime I come home. Obviously it's a bit scary for the kid and I'm getting concerned bc our lovely doggo appears to react like that when another kid crosses infront of my youngest daughter who's only 1 Y/O-- it's as though she's being overly protective. My feeling is I should separate her when we have kids over-- I am responsible for keeping guests safe yet also, not letting my dog get distressed. Has anyone experienced this with? Should I be more concerned? I absolutely love her but I recognize that she is built so differently from the labs I've had and I hate seeing her stressed and react to kids like that. Thanks in advance.