Purina dog chow feeding recommendations


New member
Hello I'm finding conflicting information on how much to feed both my female Sheppards one is 44.8 lb other is 51.7 lb as of this morning. We go on walks daily for about a hour. The bag says 1 1/4 cup but that seems low. Should I feed that amount twice a day?
@tfosria This is dry food, yes? That does seem low, so I checked out the feeding chart for a few different dog chow flavors. None list a feeding amount that low for that dog size -- are you sure that's what the bag says? Any chance you misread it?


You can double check it on their website, but basically all of the formulas recommend 2 1/4 - 2 3/4 for the 44.8lb pup, and 2 3/4 - 3 2/3 for your 51.7lb pup. And that's per day, so per meal if you feed twice a day could end up being around 1 1/4 -- but to my knowledge bags do not typically recommend amounts per meal.
@sevilodorf Ok yeah I just got home and re read the bag :p it's about what we've been giving(2 1/4) cup to them. the 51 lb dog is a little overweight so was thinking 2 1/4th for both thank you for making me take a second look. As for health I wonder if it would be better to split the meal or if it's ok to just give all at once
@tfosria Oh good! Yeah, bag estimates are often a little over so giving a little less won't be a big deal.

As for splitting the meal, that really depends on your dogs. Mine gets the hunger pukes if he only eats once a day, and does much better with the food split into two meals.

There was one study showing that dogs kept weight off easier if only fed once a day, and there's good evidence that keeping them trim extends their lifespans. If your dogs don't appear uncomfortable or starving with one meal, that's probably just fine.
@sevilodorf Ok yeah one is 3 other is 1 I've been doing once a day (little over what bag says it turns out) a day so far I haven't noticed anything or them "asking" for food honestly the bags against the counter if they really wanted it....lol