Puppy regression with potty training


New member
I got a puppy (Australian cattle dog/border collie mix)a few weeks ago, she was 7 weeks old when I got her. She’s 10 weeks old now. When I brought her home, she did fantastic with pottying on puppy pads. Almost 0 accidents. We introduced pottying outside after she got flea meds and shots. She did really well going outside. This week though, she has been pottying in the floor wherever and on my bed. I’m confused on how to help her. I take her outside often but now she just ignores the puppy pads inside. Any advice on this potty training fiasco? I’m new to all this.
@tert Our guy ignored puppy pads when we introduced pottying outside around that age too. I spent quite a bit of time on this subreddit trying to find solutions. Turns out, they’re still just little babies for the first few months. Their bladders are still growing and getting stronger, so accidents will happen.

Show your girl her accident, say “Potty, No” in a firm but neutral tone, then bring her outside to her potty area, and say “Ok, go potty!” in a happy tone. Say “Potty, Yes!” and praise her like crazy anytime she goes outside. Try to time when she potties after a big feeding or drink, then start taking her to potty when you’re guessing she’ll be ready.

The best thing we did for potty training that is paying off now that he’s grown is designating one zone of the yard for his potty. Now, even off leash, he’ll only go in that spot when he’s in the yard, leaving the garden and grass clean for us! We used a little dog fence to make a rectangle, and plopped him in here until he went potty and praised the heck out of him when he went every time. It was nice to just carry him out, let him down and carry him in when he was a baby without having to fuss with a leash. Eventually, he learned to walk with us to the pen that we modified to have an entrance, then later a U shape for a while, before removing it entirely.
@tert Biggest advice I can give is ditch the puppy pads unless you plan to use those permanently. And prepare for a hardcore couple of weeks of running in and out and cleaning up messes! It’ll stick - just has to be trained :) best of luck!!