Puppy Essentials Advice


New member
I'm looking at getting a female GSD puppy in the new few months and wanted to be prepared. I've spoken with the breeder already and they essentially said most important thing was a crate and spending time with the puppy. I'm finding it a bit tricky to find german shepherd specific information.

So far i've looked up
  1. Crate training + buy a crate
  2. Leashes of different lengths
  3. Nylon collar
  4. Vaccinations
  5. Desexing (going to do after 2 years)
  6. Socialisation
  7. Toys (thinking just tug rope/ball/kong to start)
Anyone have any tips on training, equipment, videos, schedules, food or general GSD puppy tips?
@garnernathaniel 1) Buy XL!
2-4) Chat to your vet. Ours has said wait until our girl goes through at least 2 heat cycles. She's almost done with number 2 now. She's 15 months old You'll probably get conflicting advice on this one.
7) Lots of chewy toys.
@garnernathaniel There is no such thing as indestructible toys when it comes to GSDs!!!!

You need to watch them closely to make sure that they are not hurting themselves.

Not plastic toys, they break and splinter, it's more like rubberized similar to car tires. They are chewy and take longer to destroy. Ball is life for GSDs, and NOTHING beats finding and then chewing up sticks. FYI, you may say its a tree branch but they say its a stick!

Meaty treats versus biscuits, my boys love meat and don't care for grains.
@reddc44 This is true! My GSD loves “gorilla bones” which are basically wood bones that kind of disintegrate instead of splintering so they don’t hurt their teeth chewing (which they can do if you give them any type of hard bone)