Puppy 7 1/2 months was calming down and barely whining now it’s amped up 100x


New member
I read this is an age thing but I’ve been working my tail off with exercise, enrichment and training and all of a sudden the last two days it’s like I taught him nothing. He won’t lay in bed or place without whining immediately and he’s back to whining over absolutely everything which is pretty jarring for my autism. I haven’t been doing anything differently he just is acting like he’s learned absolutely nothing again. Does this stop at all or is he going to keep doing this because I’m feeling like he backtracked everything. Ignoring whining isn’t having an affect and he’s just no longer listening or keeping still at all. Before this he was on bed and place and training really well and not whining at all and now it’s tantrum after tantrum after tantrum and don’t get me started after jumping again after he learned to stop.. as I type this he was told to lay on his bed and he’s just whining and doing his little tantrum gesture at me (he puts his paws up to his snout and waves them over it, it’s really cute but that’s his version of a tantrum) he’s always been a hyper greeter and won’t actually relax outside his crate even with the relaxation protocol but it somehow the past few days amped up to 11

He also had a lambchop plush he cuddled with in his crate and he tore the stuffing out of it and he’s never done that. He’s had that thing since 4 months and he just destroyed it it was his favorite toy.

Is this how adolescence usually is? He was neutered at 6 months and he did actually calm down a bit after it but it’s like I’ve done absolutely nothing according to his behavior..

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