Prozac and housebreaking an adult dog


New member
I’ve had Honey Bee, a 2-year-old (going on 3) coonhound/basset cross, for 9 months now. When I took her on as a foster I was told that she was housebroken after not having any accidents for a week. It was obvious that a) she was not housebroken, and b) she had moderate anxiety. This didn’t bother me, but I did not anticipate housebreaking to be this difficult since I have successfully housebroken adult dogs before. She’s been to the vet and has had her urine and stool analyzed, all tests coming back clear of infection, metabolic disorders, etc.
I’ve tried every method of housebreaking with patchy success. Different methods would work for her, but not consistently, and issues do not always appear to be related to her anxiety when she does have issues. She can usually go a week (at most) without any accidents, and she is on a very consistent schedule. Recently she was evaluated by a trainer who specializes in working breeds, who commented that I was doing everything correctly. However, he believed she may have some sort of adrenal issue since it is obvious that she has a fair amount of anxiety and she is frequently very thirsty.
Unsure of what methodology to use to test the effect of her cortisol levels on her behavior, the vet put Honey Bee on Prozac (fluoxetine) in the meantime while she figures out what to do. Has anyone had a similar experience before? If so, is it possible that Prozac alone may help her with her housebreaking issues? She begins treatment tomorrow and I am unsure of what to expect.