Progesterone tests, unusual results


New member
I am wondering if anyone has had a similar experience with progesterone testing / levels as I have. Tested on day 9 of heat - 4.8ng/ml. Day 11 - 7.4ng/ml. Day 13 - 7.9ng/ml.
Vet said this is quite unusual, as she seems to be hovering at a progesterone level right around ovulation, which normally occurs between 4-8ng/ml. I took her to a stud on day 12 thinking she would have risen to appropriate level for mating but she wasn't having it. The 3rd test explained why, she's not ready yet. Got another test for tomorrow (day 15) to see where we're at. Anyone had a bitch hover around these kind of levels and if so for how long? Or any other tips to suggest the right time to mate, like flagging, ferning etc...
@drsharles Yeah I guess I just keep testing every other day until I see a significant increase in numbers. I'm.convinced she has some sort of commission with the vet! Tests ain't cheap!
@blgunn That could very well be by she stalled. Last year a friend only had one girl come in and she stalled similar to your girl. Females typically cycle together similar to humans that live together.