Probiotics for dogs - is Plain greek yogurt ok ?


New member
Last month my 8 mo old rescue puppy had Diarrhea till vet treated with de-worming and meds (antibiotic) and supplemented with probiotic (fortiflora).

Glad pup is fine now and i just want to have a healthy digestive health pup.

Q: Can i use Plain Greek Yogurt (plan 1-2 teaspoons / day) as a probiotic for his health ??

Thanks in advance
@nlu Goat milk kefir is fantastic. Way more pro biotics than Greek yogurt. Plus, dogs don’t digest dairy from cows as well as goat. In particular, I buy “redwood hill farm” plain goat milk kefir from Sprouts my dog loves it. You can freeze them in an ice tray for a hot day snack as well 🤙 but I do feed plain Greek yogurt when Sprouts is sold out of the redwood hill
@nlu That's fine for most dogs. Some can't handle dairy. You'll discover pretty quickly if that's the case for yours in the form of a lot of loose stool/smelly gas.

Some people find plain canned pumpkin to be easier on their dog's stomach. Psyllium husk powder is a good option for a cheap, easy fiber addition as well.

If you really want to give your dog the full benefit of a probiotic, I'd recommend just getting a probiotic though. Fortiflora is good. Proviable-DC is a popular, relatively cheap one that I find works better for mine than the fortiflora but YMMV

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