Prescription Hills w/d vs. Hills Sensitive stomach


New member
my dog was doing just fine eating hills sensitive stomach for several months/ a year. I have the prescription w/d on hand just if she has occasional loose stool, and it fixes her up so quick, and then i transition her back to her non prescription food.
however- now as i’ve been transitioning her back to her hills sensitive, it seems her stomach issues get worse. She’s turning 3 soon…. do dogs get more stomach issues as they get older? is it time for her to go full prescription diet?
@zacharyb “Never question” is odd to say… I’ve had many vets make differing (sometimes conflicting) recommendations. But agree in general your vet knows best especially as it relates to side effects (and if not maybe a different vet). Might be a simple phone call rather than coughing up for an appointment.