Potty training 8 and 7 months


New member
Update So now another issue, which may be why I'm cleaning up so much, and these two are still going in the house. It turns out our older dog (not that old just older than them) has also started going on the puppy pads again. She was a rescue that was not potty trained at a year and a half old. It took 6 months to get her to be trained, and she's had no issues until now. So now that's another mess I need to figure out how to stop.

We have two Huskeys who are half siblings that are 8 and 7 months old. I let them out 5 to 8 times a day but they are still going in the house, at this point they will go out for 10-20 mins (I will stand with them because I worry about them somehow escaping, but i cant just leave them longer because i have work and our older dog is usually waiting to go as well, they will also go outside as well), come in, and go on the floor within a few minutes. My fiance barely helps with cleaning up, and im so tired of doing it myself, and I'm so tired it's still happening. I'm not sure how to get them to stop. They go through so many puppy pads as well.

Would love some advice on training them.
@eblemons103 I fixed my post for going out with them. I do stand out the whole time, which is part of the reason we are limited on time sometimes but I can let them out often. As I usually am watching them while I work and listen to their ques to want to go out. They will go outside, I'll praise them. Give them treats then they will come in and go on the floor/pads.
@presock Stay out with them until they go! I’m sometimes out for up to an hour with my pup. Then have a huge celebration when she goes outside. Woohoo!!
@loujohn I guess I forgot to add and fixed it. I am out watching them. They go to the bathroom, get pets and treats for going, come in and go on the floor.
@quentinrb I do praise them every time they go, as well as just praising one when only one goes and not the other. And give them treats and they are both very food motivated. I have actually tested one of them for a UTI because originally, the older of the two didn't go so much after going outside, and the younger one it was so constant we couldn't keep up. But he was fine. They also have no other symptoms, and they are peeing and pooping.
@presock You can't just "let them out" you have to watch them do it and tell them that it's a good thing with treats/praise. Otherwise they won't know it's a behaviour that you want them to do
@missjood I am out there the whole time with them. It's more a matter of our older dog is usually waiting to go as well, and I can't leave them alone when I have to start work or am working durong the week and its already been 20 minutes of them wrestling or eating grass. They also will go outside as well, I'll praise them and give them treats, but then two mins later, they are going in the house.