Post-Spay Recovery and now i’m nervous


New member
Hello! You might remember me as the person who posted earlier and was nervous about my dog’s spay.

3 weeks ago my baby got spayed and we did all the things we were supposed to do!

We have her all her meds, kept her activity low, only took her out to pee, didn’t let her interact with other dogs, etc. We even made an appointment to see her vet 2 weeks post surgery to check and make sure she had healed correctly.

Our vet confirms are dog looks good and her sutures are good and she is good to return to pre-surgery life. I did ask her if she was okay to play with bigger dogs and could she still irritate her incision site if she licks it and they said no!

A week later we are visiting family for 4th and we notice her incision spot has become significantly pink and we don’t know what to do. We are out of our hometown and I don’t believe most vets are open tomorrow or will let a walk in happen.

We are going to try to find a vet and if not, grab an E collar at a pet store to keep her from further irritation.

is this anything that’s happened to anyone before and how did you handle it?

-sincerely, dog mom trying to do her best
@secretpk I remember my dog having more of a pinkish reddish color around the staples then her pink stomach after I had her spayed. Without a picture I won't be able to tell you but I'm sure everything is fine and your just worried which is understandable. I'm not a vet as you can tell by my username but I have owned multiple female dogs and what your explaining seems normal and it's just the healing process just like when we ourselves have a scab and its pinkish around the edges while its healing. I googled your answer and nothing serious popped up but I would just keep your eye on her and if you feel like your worried you can always call your vet and state what's going on and if need be ask if you can send a picture to them so they can see and have a better visual. Best of luck happy 4th.

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