Pomeranian seizures


New member
Hi! I was hoping someone could give me advice/any opinions on my dogs situation:

My dog Zoey is a 13.5 Pomeranian who is taking enalapril and furosemide for a heart murmur. Before she was diagnosed and treated for this, she would have random seizures in her sleep. During an episode she would cry out, urinate, and sometimes have some slight difficulties breathing immediately after. She also would get really hungry and eat after each episode. This would happen about every other month and she typically recovered from them within a minute. We took her in from my grandpa who passed away with dementia so we’re not sure how often these episodes occurred during her lifetime.

She has a cough as a side effect of her heart condition and it really has subsided with her medications. However, this month (starting 2/4) her seizure episodes began to significantly increase to almost every night and even occurred during the day. Most of the time it was after a tough cough but a couple happened during the day where she would lift her paw up really high (this is a “bad” paw my grandpa had stepped on when she was a puppy) and she wouldn’t fully seize but her body would shiver and she would lay really low to the ground. We suspected she was in potential pain from arthritis and maybe that was causing her seizures?

The vet gave us liquid gabapentin and told us to start with 1 mL to see how it went. She had 2 seizures that night so the next night we did ~1.3-1.4 mL and she had no seizures.

Next 3 nights no seizures but she really hates it so I asked for the pill version and I was wondering why the vet just didn’t give me the pill to begin with… so she had the same amount of mg last night just in pill form but she ended up having 3 seizures.

First one started ~30 min after she first got the pills so I was like maybe it didn’t kick in. The next one was 4 hours after she had the pill and then the last seizure was like a baby seizure like she just yelped and went right back to sleep. But right now she’s like super tired so I’m wondering if this pill just took forever to kick in?

She’s currently 7 hours seizure free (it’s now daytime) and she’s sleeping and eating perfectly fine. I’m still waiting for the vet to get back to me but wondering if anyone has had similar experiences? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated ❤️