Please recommend some reliable clippers (U.K.)


New member
I don’t know if this is allowed - I hope I’m not offending people.

I have a large springer spaniel. He has longish, silky, wavy hair.

He loves mud and swimming and gets walked in woods and fields and so everyday he gets filthy with twigs/leaves/mud over his belly and legs, and also gets matted.

I’d like to keep him clippered short otherwise the rinsing/washing is too time consuming and he’s not a big fan. I usually go to a groomer but she’s on a year of maternity leave and I’d like to do it myself from now on.

I’ve bought three sets of clippers in the past when he was younger - all from Amazon. All great reviews. None could manage his coat despite their big claims and they broke or just didn’t work. The most expensive was about £45.

What clippers should I buy that will be able to deal with his coat and be reliable and long lasting? I can spend up to £150 but would rather spend less obviously. I’m in the U.K.

He’s nervous and needs lots of reassurance so the quieter the better. However I know none are really quiet. Obviously cordless would be better but it’s not a deal breaker. If cordless they need a decent cut time because if he is quiet and still I don’t want it running out of charge - need to take advantage of each opportunity. I want his coat short and neat - like a working dog I guess.

I hope that is all the relevant information.
Thank you for your help!
@bfg33 It looks really good. What number blades do you think I should get? I guess I’ll need a longer and shorter. It comes with a #10

Also do I need to attach a comb to them? Or can I just get two combs of different length and attach them to the #10 blade it comes with?

Are any of the cheaper blades ok to buy instead given I am only grooming my own dog, not multiple ones every day?

Sorry for so many questions.
@dsmd14 For a springer I'd honestly just get either a 7 (though read up about the dangers of the 7 blade) or a 5 (or a 4 to do in reverse instead of the 7), and then use that for the body and your 10 for pads, sanitary etc. Don't bother with attachment combs as you're not going to want him that long. And you don't need shorter than a 10. May get away with cheaper blades but honestly you only need the one (once you've decided on a length) so I'd personally just go for an Andis blade as you really won't save that much with a cheaper one for just one blade and you know it'll work well
@rickt65 Thank you so much for that info. I found an offer for the Andi’s clipper with a 10 and 7 blade included which seems quite good.

I’ll read up on the dangers of #7 you mentioned first.

If I bought the clippers with a #10 only and then an extra blade, should I go for a fine blade or skip tooth?

What do you mean by using the #4 in reverse?

Sorry for so many more questions!
@dsmd14 FC (Finishing cut I'm sure it stands for) definitely, skip tooth are more dangerous and for experienced groomers only from what I've been taught. Basically you normally clip from nose to tail, but some dogs, especially spaniels or those with thicker hair do better when clipped from tail to nose, so in reverse to the way you would normally clip (against the hair grain instead of with). And not at all, ask all the questions you need!
@rickt65 Lol. So glad I asked you that. I was confused thinking you meant to reverse the blade. It really confused me!
Yes. I can see that would work better on his coat.

I’ll definitely stick to FC then. 👍🏻
Thanks for your help. I really really appreciate it. I know I’m asking lots and you are being so helpful. I’m not a total idiot I just like to ask lots of questions and check I’ve got it all straight in my head and the right things before I start something.

And I don’t want it to be uncomfortable or difficult for my dog which is why I want to make sure I have the right kit.
@rickt65 I’ve just read up in the #7.
I’m going to go with the #4 and do reverse I think. Will reverse #4 give the same hair length as #5 in the head-tail direction?
@dsmd14 No, #4 gives the same length in reverse as a #7 normally. If you want a #5 length then I'd just buy a 5 blade, it might not do him quite as evenly if it pushes the coat down but it should be easier to do
@rickt65 Is it easier to clipper head to tail than in reverse?

Knowing his coat I think it would be a better outcome to take it off in reverse because it’s medium-long, silky and lies very flat. But if clippering is easier in a particular direction, and it’s just the finish that is affected by direction, then the easier direction would be the decider for me.

I don’t know if that makes sense.

I prefer the length of #5 I think.
Actually I most prefer #7 length but I don’t want to use that blade after reading about it
@dsmd14 A #7 isn't that dangerous if you know where to and where not to use it, I've never cut a dog with a #7 blade as I'm careful with it. It's slightly easier (for me anyway, though saying that I reverse clipped me own dog for about a year, think I've just in the habit of nose to tail so anything else feels odd!), and also like his front legs and back feathers and those sorts of things would clip fine and easier not reversed, so then you need a blade for normal and a blade for reverse

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