Please Help!!


New member
I have 6 hunting Beagles. They either a) have not had proper human socialization or b) they were abused. How can I help them gain my trust? Also, any training tips to help them learn to sit and come and their name would be greatly appreciated! 5 of them are 1 1/2 years old and 1 is 3 years old. Also, I have toys for them, but 1 (Duke) sniffs it but doesn't pick it up or play with it and the other (Bob) is scared to death of it. TIA
@earthbear r/dogtraining has a bunch of resources you can look through in their info/wiki section.

I’m curious how you ended up with 6 beagles?
@mykell i already have. my brother wanted beagles to go hunting with and so my dad got him a whole pack lol. we take care of them just letting you know.
@earthbear 6 young beagles is…ambitious. I grew up with rescue beagles but we only had 3 at a time (in addition to other breeds). Were these from a breeder or rescue?

For basic training Kikopup and Susan Garrett on YouTube are a good start. Keep training sessions super short-like 1-5 mins. It’ll be easiest if you work 1 on 1 so the others aren’t too distracting to whatever you’re trying to teach.

If any are too fearful, put a hold on obedience to work on building relationships. Look into Leslie McDevitt pattern games.

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