Please help me with Osita's face. Need advice


New member
Edit: Just want to add that I am a Groom Tech / Bather atm.

Osita is a Bichon mix of some sort. Her hair has not been trimmed since I started bathing her 5 months ago. She is actually pretty great for drying everything but the face, but even when it is dry I feel like it still looks greasy and the curls won't separate around her nose and mouth. Should I try to wash the face 2x?

I always feel bad because her dad pays a lot of money for a bath and she always leaves looking like a little monster. Also any advice for VERY crusted eyes? Please give me some knowledge.

before bath

after bath and blow out.

Osita's first bath 5 months ago.
@rhettryder She’s adorable! On dogs with icky faces I usually wash, rinse, then wash again. I also agree with the other comment about brushing while drying. That should help out as well
@peacelovefaith Will be doing this the next time she comes in. She is a good pup and her dad lives her a ton, but her fur and face is a real challenge for me. This will probably help. Thanks!
@rhettryder I don’t have a lot of experience myself, but what works for me is snipping away the hair that curls into the mouth before the bath since those hairs are already wet and easy to see then use a comb during the bath to make sure some soap travels through, and for the eyes what grabs the gunk and is most gentle is a cheap little plastic flea comb since the teeth will grab most of it and is gentle enough not to poke then
@pregnant39 Oh I see what you mean. The little curlies that are rolling under the lips into the mouth. Also will try the plastic comb for the gunky eyes. I only have a little metal one, but the plastic might be more comfortable and leave less "goo" behind.
@rhettryder A few people here recommended to me that I wet a warm washcloth and work the eye goop. It works really well. Then I take the flea comb to it after. *I’m not a groomer for full disclosure ;)

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