Planning to adopt a dog and I have some questions


New member
My main question and concern is my work schedule. I work 2-3 12h shifts a week (7am-7pm). However, my husband is usually off at 3-4pm (but he travels occasionally). Even tho I’m planning to adopt an adult dog and I don’t mind to consider daycare when my husband is traveling I’m really worried about the dog having accidents around the apartment.
If there’s anyone with the similar problem how do you deal with it?
Any answer is appreciated!
@kimiad Dogs, even adult dogs, will have accidents, more frequently when they get sick/older. You need to accept that you will be cleaning up piss, shit, and vomit. If this is a problem, then please don't get a dog, only to abandon it later when the reality of owning a dog becomes "too much".
@res Thank you for your response. I’m totally fine with accidents and “mess” (I work in healthcare and cleaning up piss, shit, and vomit is a part of my job) but I don’t want a dog to be stressed and unhappy. I understand that having a dog is a lot of responsibility and that’s why I’m asking questions lol
@kimiad Is there anyone you are close with who would be happy to come over on those long days and take the dog for a walk? Or even hire a dogwalker for some days. It would make a huge difference for the dog.
@oort7 My husband can walk a dog during his lunch breaks (his work is like 5-10 min drive from our place), and I’m considering a dog walker or day care when he’s not available to do that
@kimiad That would work. If it isn't too expensive, your husband may not even have to use his lunch to walk your pet. I think that plan would work put great for your new dog.
@kimiad Consider piddle pad training or getting one of those doggy grass patches for your pup from the start like this:

One of my pups came from a hoarding house situation (her and her sister plus another 63 dog were pulled out of a 900 sq foot home) via a rescue I work with and she had never been outside for the first three years of her life. Never even touched grass. Potty training her was a long process. We were able to at least get her piddle pad trained pretty quick and also by accident. We were putting the pads down where she went frequently and then she started going to that spot on her own. Now I train all my dogs that way so just in case I get home late or something happened when I am not there, they have a spot they know they can go to. At least I know where the mess is now instead of playing a messed up scavenger hunt around the house lol.

You may also look into one of the services that come to your home like a pet sitting service but only to stop in at a certain time to let him out and maybe a short walk.

ETA...ignore the stupid Bot that posted below. This apparently is a new annoying feature on Reddit.

I included a link as an example of what I was talking about. I do not own the item in the link I shared. I do not know one way or the other what the particular product in the link is like. Please do your research and chose the best option for you.