Pissing dog


New member
My dog (7months f) won’t stop pissing in my and my roommate’s bedrooms, whenever we left the door open she’ll come inside and piss on the bed or on the floor. When she’s outside of our room she never piss and wait do do it outside, I don’t understand.
@tentgal She’s still a puppy, so lots of training is still needed. Take her out frequently and reward her like crazy when she goes where she is supposed to. I feel like there could be two reasons that she is going in the rooms, both easily fixable. 1. She probably has too much room to explore. In summary from the AKC’s page, puppies don’t generalize. They might know that they shouldn’t go to the bathroom in the living room, but they can’t translate that means all rooms in the house are off limits. Once your puppy has no accidents in the first few rooms for a while, slowly introduce the other rooms and constantly supervise. 2. Invest in enzymatic cleaners. My favorite is nature’s miracle. She can smell where she has gone and she will continue to go in those spots. Make sure to clean up all the urine ass much as possible before spraying down enzymatic cleaners. I also pour a ton of baking soda on after it has dried (usually the next day) and just let it sit for 24 hours before vacuuming. I recently had issues of my dogs going in the same spot in our new place and those tricks have done wonders. Knock on wood, they haven’t had accidents in those areas in months.

Good luck! You got this!!
@tentgal At 7mo, it could also be hormonal - I have only owned male dogs and they get really into marking anywhere from 6-10mo and you almost need to redo house training. I don't know if females get the same urges, but regression in training is common in all teenagers haha. Go back to limiting where she can go, bring vigilant about her cues and putting her outside regularly! And if you take her to someone else's house be aware she might try to mark. All the training comes back, I promise!