[Photo Friday] Header Contest: B A D D O G G O


New member
Theme: Pictures of bad dogs -- not necessarily photos of dogs being bad

The Winner: Determined by most upvotes.


1920 x 1080 minimum resolution

ONLY horizontal photos will be considered for the header

Post will be in contest mode to hide upvotes and mix the responses

Contest ends at an unspecified time, whenever /@gamesbx
decides to make the header.

Try to pick photos with the best parts within 500 pixels (vertically) of each other so it can look nice when it's cropped

If we can't get the winning photo to look good cropped, then we'll go on to the next one! Sorry.
@jmorale4 I think it was a zoomie and cat enduced fluke because she hasn't even tried again. She also slipped/landed on the hard floor when she did it so that may have deterred her more than anything.
@stormtboy I would love to give him a cookie or 19283 cookies heh

I won't tell him, but I agree because I'm biased as her mom 😁

But if you combined Matcha and Indie, it would be this. Seems like it would be a high energy and reactive mess though 😂