pH spray concoction safe to add to water?


New member
"Dilute six cups of apple cider vinegar with 4 cups of water, add a dash of sea salt, then spray directly on to dog's coat."

It's for fleas. And so far we have a few dead ones but, the question stands as: is it safe to add into dog water bowl (big bowl for 3 dogs)?
Thank you everybody and that's why I ask before I do something remotely questionable. Though a test spray in one small area did prove effective however if unsafe to do I will not.
@vitopsp1 ACV that is diluted can be safe for dogs however, you should definitely ask a vet. Some dogs can't tolerate the acdidity fi they have kidney or other issues and can cause an upset stomach. Plus, they may not be willing to drink the water with the added ACV.

As for a topical mixture, 6 cups of ACV is a ton. I know for water they say don't do more than a tablespoon in a huge water bowl, so I don't know how safe that quantity of ACV would be if its not diluted with at least equal water even if its just being applied topically. Also, it only helps with prevention, it's not going to kill fleas.