Pet Insurance?


New member
How do you feel about pet insurance? Worth it? Not? We are picking up our pup in a few days and getting prepped for him. Curious to know what y’all think about insurance. Good/bad experiences? Certain companies you like/to avoid? Is it worth getting at all?

Thanks for your help!
@dashestoashes Get it. They have it at the vets even where we are from. Our girl came eith 2 ectopic ureters, prolapse vagina, and now a prostetic sphincter kit... over 30k invested and now she has protein in her urine so it could be possible kidney damage from everything she's been through.. insurance was never an option for her but I wouldn't get another dog without it.
@dashestoashes I dont have it and have been super fortunate with the health of my dog. he's now 14 and it doesn't make sense. however, 3 of my neighbors have it and their dogs all has serious, long health problems. pet insurance saved them thousands of $. my moms dog developed heart problems and had them for the last few yrs of his life. I imagine she spent over 20k on his care.
if I got another dog I'd def get insurance. I think it pays for itself since it can cover a good portion of their well visits, vaccines, bloodwork, dental, medications, xrays, etc...