Pet insurance: Why I think every active dog owner should have it


New member
Hey, /r/germanshepherds! As the founding mod of this sub, I don't normally do this kind of thing, but I wanted to tell you all about my experience with having pet insurance, and why I think having it is one of the absolute best things I've ever done.

Please note: I have absolutely zero connection to any pet insurance company. I am journalist, and complete transparency is extremely important to my life. Feel free to completely disregard everything here. It's just something that's helped me and my critters, and I wanted to give a first-hand take on it.

So, after one of our cats died in my hands because we didn't have the money at the time to do everything we could to figure out what was wrong with her, my fianceé and I decided to look into pet insurance for our pets. For our GSD, we wanted to make sure they covered hips as well as everything else.

After weeks of research, we decided to go with Trupanion. It is now 4 years later, and we could not be more happy with this company.

Trupanion covers 90 percent of almost everything—the only thing excluded are vet visit fees, and wellness checkups (yearly physicals, vaccinations, etc.) The 90 percent coverage of course includes injuries and medication. But it also includes supplements and therapy.

You can pick your deductible, and the higher your deductible, the lower your monthly fee. For our GSD, we pay $75 per month and have a $0 deductible.

What this means in practice is, our GSD (his name is Saggio) recently had to have major knee surgery for a torn CCL—one of the most comment injuries in all dogs (tho not super common in GSDs). The price for the surgery was (in my area, Hudson Valley in New York) $3,700. What we paid: $500, which included three follow-up visits with the surgeon. That means we basically broke even, with the amount Trupanion paid (~$3,200) equalling roughly 3.5 years worth of our monthly payment for Saggio. And that's just one procedure. I don't have any totals, but having Trupanion has literally saved us thousands of dollars.

Oh, and for major procedures like this one, Trupanion pays the vet up front (rather than you having to lay out the money first, as is the case with lower-cost care), and then you pay the difference.

The best part, however, is just being able to say "Yes, do what you need to do, doctor" to whatever it is. Need blood work? Go for it. Need x-rays? Go for it. On and on.

I know this is a love-fest, and I wish I had something negative to say to give a sense of balance. But I don't. Trupanion consistently makes it easy, refunds you money very quickly and makes it easy for you to submit your claims.

Anyway, I recommend doing your own research and picking the company that works best for you. But if anyone was thinking about getting pet insurance, I cannot recommend Trupanion more.
@demo Thanks for sharing your insights and experiences. My wife and I have been considering pet insurance after a couple hefty emergency vet visits(Teddy is fine - just a couple allergic reactions that had us worried) and this is good to hear.
@demo I have a high deductible plan for Moby through Embrace. He's had it since he was less than 1 and thankfully we've never had to use it. It runs just under $24/month and covers anything over $1,000 including his hips.
@esterpet Embrace is really good too. We had that for our cats at first, but then switched everyone over to Trupanion just to simplify things.
@demo I've wondered about pet insurance quite a bit. I almost pulled the trigger a few months ago, and probably should have, as my GSD got a torn ACL after a visit to doggy day camp (which I did as an extra first birthday gift to him, that backfired). The surgery was $2990, and I imagine the insurance would have helped.

I still consider it since there is a 50% chance of any dog that suffers an ACL tear of tearing the other leg in their lifetime.

My biggest hold back is that he is otherwise healthy, and if he doesn't tear the other ACL, then I am just out insurance money while still paying for checkups and all that. Yeah it was $2990, but I opened a CareCredit account and got 6 months no interest, so I know that after six months I will have only paid money towards the operation. With insurance I am basically gambling that my pup will get hurt again.

It's a tough call, one that you will be glad you had if you need it, but be twice as bitter about if you end up not using it enough to cover the premiums.
@praiseblogs For me, it's mostly about peace of mind, knowing that I can always afford to do what I need to do to keep my pup healthy.

That said, it was a fantastic decision financially. Trupanion has paid out more than I have put in so far. He's a healthy dog, but he's active, and shit happens, so for me it's much more of a gamble to not have insurance.

If you had pet insurance before your pup got the torn ACL, it would have only cost you about $300-$400. Everything else would have been paid for.
@jdthcstl I meant that we broke even just from the knee surgery alone. He's been to the vet for myriad other things, from Lyme disease to a scratched cornea to a piece of glass jammed into is pad.

The scratched cornea wouldn't heal because, I eventually found out, he was allergic to the medicine the vet gave. So rather than taking a week to heal, it took a month and multiple trips to the vet. (My vet only charges for the first visit for the same injury, so I only paid the visit fee once).

We also tried to fix his partially torn CCL (knee) before opting for surgery. The insurance covered 90 percent of the physical therapy for that, which was $50 per week for four months. (So Trupanion paid out about $720 of the $800 we would have otherwise spent.) It worked, too. But he tore it more later, and we opted to just fix it. He is still going to physical therapy now as his knee is healing (it's also an 8-16 week process), and they're covering that too.

Add all the healthcare my pup has received over the past four years, and we have saved thousands.
@demo Trupanion hasn't proved to be good for our two GSD's at all. They are both healthy, but have had a few issues here and there common to GSD's. Unfortunately, Trupanion has denied every claim and we are dropping them next month.

Any suggestions on other companies? We had Purina brand insurance and it was fantastic until the company was sold to another firm.

Many thanks.