Peaceful Dominance?

@turlough3 I'll be honest, I got through numbers one and two and thought it was a bit strange, but then I got to number three and burst out laughing.

I think the only genuinely good thing he says in that video is that we should be learning more about dog body language as a whole and listening to our dogs more.

The alpha thing is just weird, full stop, no matter how it's presented in dog training. It has a lot of really icky stuff wrapped up in it and I think it's often really unhelpful. Dominance (at least by definition) does exist, it exists across all species. Usually it's a matter of who has access to resources. For humans we tend to ascribe aggression to it but for most species that isn't the case, and it's not always the case with humans either. But by that definition, we are all inherently dominant over our dogs anyway, because we control access to food, water, even bathroom breaks. For that reason, I give my dog as much agency as I possibly can (he tells me when he needs to go potty, he even tells me when he is hungry or wants more food, I offer as much safe off-leash time as possible, etc.).
@turlough3 I think they are very strange and projecting human emotions and motivations on animals

Oh and the start and check your ego stuff is click bait and trying to be controversial.

It is boring and unnecessary
@turlough3 I’m confused why you are posting your own videos and talking about yourself in the third person… Are you just trying to increase your watch metrics?
Totally appreciate the feedback everyone. I'm a dog trainer and after seeing thousands of clients, I truly believe that the dog is the person's reflection. All the feedback you gave is great. I'm tinkering around with my channel, finding the right voice and method to get people more inspired about connecting with their dog and working on themselves.