Owners who don’t/can’t crate, how do you trust your puppy at night?


New member
I guess this is directed to puppies that do not sleep in the same room at night.

I’m just curious at owners who do not use a crate or pen, how do you trust your puppy not to destroy the house at night?

Edit for more info : Sooo my pup is crate trained and sleeps in the living room since day 1, not in the bedroom with me. We are considering letting her stay out of her crate at night - which made me think about people that has never crate trained hence the creation of this post.

She hasnt had any accidents in the crate or inside the house in 5-6 weeks. Consistently uses a potty bell to go out. We’re more concerned about her randomly finding things and chewing on them 🥹

Second Edit for more info : Not planning to let puppy sleep in my bed. Goal is to free roam her in the living room, where she currently sleeps in her crate.
@royalking I have a rescue pup. He’ll be one year old next month. I’ve had him since he was 4 months. I started with a crate in my bedroom. He house trained quickly. Every night when I went to bed he would follow me to the bedroom and go into his crate. I didn’t have to close the crate door. One night he stayed on the couch when I got up so I decided to give that a try. I moved his crate next to the couch in the TV room and it’s been there ever since. He doesn’t get locked in and often just stays on the couch. I did puppy proof the part of the house he is allowed to be in. He did chew on some wood trim and a stair at first but I was able to stop that with a spray bottle of lemon juice and white vinegar. Sprayed on the wood not the dog!

I guess the answer is my puppy let me know when I could trust him.
@jjwins So our pup is crate trained and we’re thinking of letting her sleep without the crate at night.

She sleeps in the living room though, not in our bedroom. We did accidentally leave the crate unlocked one time and of course she was on the other side of the room when we got up in the morning and she didn’t have any accidents.

We did let her sleep in the bedroom for 2 nights as it was quite hot. She still slept in the crate even though it was open. No accidents. She did get a tissue and rip it up though. I’m a very light sleeper so it was easy for me to keep an eye on her those 2 nights.

We’re just very worried what she might randomly do in the living room if we let her outside the crate at night 🤣
@royalking Our friends crate trained theirs. When they put her in as a pup they used words and hand signals. Point and opening and said nap, sleep good. At bedtime point and said night, sleep good. Good trainers and such a smart dog, she did so many other things too. They trained her pups before they went to their new homes.
@royalking My dog still likes his crate. He doesn’t always use it but I still think it is a comfort for him so I’m not going to take it away. It has a nice cover on it and blends into the room. I’d keep it until my dog shows no more interest in it.
@jjwins Our pup never naps in the crate anymore. She goes to sleep on the couch at night, I have to wake her and tell her to go in the crate - which she does with no problems.

She goes in the crate mostly to chew and play with her toys. I don’t think she hates the crate but I know she doesn’t prefer sleeping in there unless she has to.
@royalking Two questions - how old is your dog? And if you’re worried about her safety and the safety of your possessions, then why consider having her free roaming? She is presumably safe and comfy in her crate

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