Oral flea treatments? (UK)


New member
I'm wondering about oral flea treatment as opposed to spot on. I've read lots saying that oral treatment is very safe but I do feel cautious.

Anyone here have any experience with oral treatments? Also, if they are safe, which is the best to buy? (From the UK)
@toreto I’m not in the U.K. (but from there), I live in the USA. Oral treatments seem to be really common here and it’s what I give my dog. Also, some of the oral ones also combine with de-worming stuff too. It’s working great for us, she just eats a little chew every month and that’s it.

We use trifexis. Not sure if it’s a USA only or not.
@toreto My dog has been on NexGard his whole life without issue. In fact, we tried topicals (both Frontline and Revolution) and one gave him minor chemical burns while the other made him incredibly itchy (our old vet suspected skin irritation or an allergic reaction).

Talk to your vet as there are different brands available with different benefits. I'm not sure what's available in the UK, but in the US we have some oral preventatives that last for 12 weeks, some that include heartworm prevention, etc.