One of my dogs and I were away for a week and now that she's back home, my other dog is being aggressive towards her


New member
I was away for a week helping out my sister with her baby and I took one of my dogs with me. My dog, S, (4 y/o female german shepherd, spayed) and I were away for 9 days.
Yesterday when we got back, my other german shepherd, L, (2 y/o female, not spayed yet) was being extremely aggressive toward S. Both of their behavior was unlike anything I have seen, I didn't want to risk either of them getting hurt by the other so I separated them and allowed them time to calm down and tried to get them to interact again from a distance but they wanted nothing to do with eachother. We had them in the same room, but they wouldn't even look at eachother. Both of them still listened to any and all commands. They just seemed very stressed by their breathing and demeanor so we just let them sleep separately.
I'm not really sure what to do. They have always gotten along, even slept in the same room and spent most of their time together. While I was away, my L started her period, so maybe that has something to do with it? I'm hoping once we get her fixed, this won't be an issue, but I'm afraid that won't be enough. I'm afraid they won't be able to get along anymore. Any tips for re-acclimating them? Or what course of action I should take?
@amanda86 100% it's bc your younger bitch is in heat. That can generate fights w dogs they know, dogs they don't know v fast bc of the hormones.

Keep them fully seperated for at least a week, then restart intro by walking them leashed together daily and if that goes well, by 10 days or so hormones will be reducing u should start to see younger bitch be more herself hopefully.
@amanda86 Was the dog that went with you around any other animals or anywhere they may have picked up scents of other animals… a scent reaction is first thing popped into my mind

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