One dog suddenly obsessively licking the other

I’ve had my boys for over a decade and they’ve never done this so I’m kinda worried. In fact, I’m borderline concerned because they’re not super close- they actually barely tolerate each other lol.

Anyway, my smallest (Z) recently had a skin infection from fleas and untreated allergies. He ended up scratching a lot and got some patchy spots where he was biting himself. Everything is growing back okay now that I got him to the vet except…

There’s one spot on his back I notice that the fur is struggling to re grow though. This is the exact spot that my other dog (R) is obsessively licking. I try to stop him when he does because they’ve struggled with dominance in the past, but in this case he’s extremely persistent when he usually isn’t.

Should I be concerned ? Could this be some sort of behavior that’s trying to alert me to some problem? Or am I just being paranoid ? If anyone has any similar experiences that would be interesting. It’s just weird to me that after this long a new habit would start.