Oh, my G-d…Stop Humping!


New member
My Labradoodle is six months old. He has a very special relationship with two of his stuffed animals. They must be humped every two minutes.

This I can acknowledge as typical behaviour, and more-or-less live with.

But why for the love of all that is holy, must these stuffies be brought to my lap so my boy can hump me and my recliner Every. Single. Time?

Stop making my damn chair vibrate! I’m trying to knit!
@jktluvsjesus What other outlets does he get for exercise and enrichment? This is not normal. That frequency is concerning. He is under stimulated and frustrated. Dogs don’t just hump for no reason.
@pj1070 Well, it was a vent, so the frequency may be somewhat exaggerated. But it is frequent, just started recently, and on me, which is the annoying bit.

He gets sniffaris, walks, training time, play time with his people, and has plenty of chews, toys, and puzzles.

He wants ALL our attention ALL the time, and we are working on him chilling out and amusing himself without a) biting feet, b) raiding the shelves in our storage area that leads to the fenced yard (to which he has free access) or c) barking his fool head off.
@semper_virens Yeah; he spends about 5 hours crated four days a week while our work schedules overlap. He’s fine with it—unless we are in the room (his crate is in the family room, where we watch TV before bed), whereupon he barks his fool head off, because FOMO. If we let him out, it’s foot-biting/humping time.
@sdr77 That’s just his crate-alone-no-people time. He also naps outside his crate when he’s at home with my husband before I get home.

He gets 8-9 hours at night, plus 5 hours in the crate, plus about 2 hours in the afternoon.
@jktluvsjesus Are those 5 hours in the crate all in one stretch or is it split up over time. Dogs normally sleep an hour to 2 hours at a time during the day and slightly longer at night. Even if he is sleeping his full eight to 9 hours at night the whole 5 hours in the crate and about 2 hours on and off during the afternoon he's still just barely getting 16 hours. I'm not saying this is the issue but I am saying this could be a large part of it.

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