New puppy w/ a 1.5 year old dog - questions/concerns


New member
So my 1.5 year old dog is a dream. The most well tempered, obedient, relaxed dog ever. I raised him since he was 8 weeks old due to him being a rescue . My roommate recently got a puppy (totally cool on my part) and my dog and the puppy constantly play. It’s a lot of neck/face mouthing but never rough or mean. My dog is 90+ lbs and the puppy is a mutt whose about 30 lbs. We have to stop the two at times because generally they won’t stop until we make them. My dog redirects well and responds to “leave it.”

How long should I expect it to take for my dog adjust to this “new member of the pack?”

Additionally, the puppy tends to take my dogs toys and chews away from him as he’s using them. I worked VERY hard to not have any resource guarding behaviors from my dog so he always just lets the puppy have them.

Then he usually goes and sits and watches from afar as the puppy goes to town with the toy or chew.

My question is - is that messing with my dog psychological or training wise? Is he viewing that as me just just giving the puppy things and not him? I’m trying not to project onto him feelings he might be incapable of having but I want my dogs demeanor to remain unchanged. I assumed since my dog gets along with all other dogs that the puppy would be no different but I find myself stressing over his happiness and well being more than normal. Thanks for any input or advice!

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