New puppy next door


New member
Not sure if this should be the correct channel to ask for advice, I apologise in advance if it isn’t!

So my neighbours brought a new puppy home last night, and my dog (7 y.o, male Westie) has just gotten its scent and heard puppy squeals and is getting too excited wanting to meet the new kid on the block.

Just to give a bit of an insight, he absolutely loves meeting other dogs and is respectful and friendly to most but starts to be aggressive to a very selective few (e.g there was a male dog in another block that humped him on their first meet and got very annoyed by it, since then, every time the other dog is near him he would start growling. we have now avoided crossing paths)

My biggest concern now is that every time we bring him out for a walk, we will HAVE to pass my neighbour (I live in an apartment building so we have straight corridors that lead to only one lift lobby, everyone here also has a metal-gated door so we’re all pretty much ‘open’ where you can look into each other’s homes). He is surely going to be pretty agitated for at least the next couple of days knowing there is another dog just a few doors down. Now I’m not sure how I should go about this introduction, I’m truly hoping he doesn’t have a bad reaction with the puppy so at least we’re not dealing with trying to avoid any aggression for the rest of the months, that in turn becomes avoiding our neighbour altogether :/

Considering also the puppy is a 2 month old male Labradoodle and hasn’t completed its vaccinations. My dog has otherwise had his vaccinations up to date.

Should I first avoid letting them meet or would that just increase my dog’s excitement over what he has smelled but not yet seen? What should I do?