New dog owner confused my dogs play as agression - how to handle it


New member
Encountered a new dog owner today letting her puppy socialise for the first time. There were about 5 dogs around her in this group, and I know they're all much older because my dog plays with them all regularly.

My dog is 1 y/o and 6kg, so still very puppyish. He layed next to this baby puppy, did some play bows and slaps and then went to mouth her.

Zero agression from him at all but the owner freaked out, pushed my dog away and said NO HE'S BITING HER. It was pretty wild.

She then kept pushing my dog away, and making a bit of a scene so I asked if there was a problem. She said it looked like he went to bite her dog and I said "ok, I'll keep him away". I was pretty upset about the whole thing.

I respected that their interaction made her feel uncomfortable, but my dog was being playful - I also figured she wasn't up on basic dog behaviour so there was little point in explaining that it was actually a great interaction.

What would you do in a similar situation? Trying to be respectful of her wishes but also don't want her overreaction if we see her again.
@alan226 I would say that five dogs surrounding a new puppy is four too many. One needs to socialize puppies gently- one dog at a time. I don’t think you did anything wrong but the owner of this puppy should avoid dog parks in general or at least until the puppy is well socialized.
@maggiehowell23 My thoughts exactly. I stayed close by because the whole dynamic with a tiny puppy felt a bit off.

She was being bitchy towards my dog for want of a better word though and its stuck with me all day today since it happened.
@alan226 Yeah, this is one of those situations where it isn't you, it is her. Just avoid her and move on.

Your dog is 6 kg? LOL. What was he going to possibly do????