New dog owner advice


New member
I’ve recently absorbed responsibility for my mums dog who has 0 training, 0 recall and 0 house training.

He’s a year and 3 months and still poops in the house, won’t listen and is quite mischievous.

My mum doesn’t take much time for him so I’ve taken him as mine (she is fine with it)

But I need advice! I am reading and watching media to learn what I’m doing wrong and right but need advice on how to do this.

He’s a French bulldog and I love him hence me absorbing the ownership but all tips, sources and help would be appreciated
@iam815518 House training should be your first goal.

Take him on LONG walks. When he does it's business outside, give praise, petting and treats.

If you catch the dog doing it's business in the house, take it in the back yard (if available). As punishment, if you choose, you can give short 5 minute timeouts (alone time). Negative reinforcement only works if you catch the dog in the act... dogs don't have a good sense of cause and effect and you cannot point to the puddle, get upset and expect that it would get it.

Second goal should be recall. Use treats for that. There is nothing complicated here.

Depending on the size of the dog you may need to train it not to jump on people. Yours it's small, it frankly doesn't matter. Dogs jump instinctively for attention. They desire to lick people they know on the mouth, that's instinctual. Simples thing to do - every time the dog does this, you turn around.

Dog training can be a very slow process. My dog took several months to be house trained. With smaller dogs it's harder - they have a smaller bladder. With a French bulldog you should expect to take the dog every 3-4 hours out to relieve itself.

Good luck
@otter63 Also know that there is some growing evidence that many small (unhealthy) breeds (specifically the more deformed ones) are developing learning disabilities. Give it some time but if training shows no signs of progress perhaps get the pup checked for any other health issues it could have.

If the dog is this way after almost a year and a half you're going to have a lot of work ahead of you and the pup should be brought in for a check up cause I can't help but make the assumption your mother never cared enough to take him. (sorry if this is false)

Best of luck with your little buddy!

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