new dog family , new puppy


New member
hey everyone , new here in many ways, just adopted a cavvy (cavalier king charles) 2 days ago but my experience with dogs are limited. He is 4 months old, previous owner did not trained him cared for him in a garden, even misgendered him they thinking he was a she. Even with all of this he is fantastic pup, waits for my permission before eaiting (at least when his exitement calms down, I wait for that) super loving , quiet, energetic while playing calm when cuddling .

But potty training is bit of a problem it seems. what should i do? Also even though he is energetic and playing he holds his tail between his legs a bit ,how can i make him feel more comfortable in his home?

For now I put him in the bathroom with a pad when it seems like he wants go to potty and we cant go out, his crate is with him.We Also use treats for positive encouragement, every family member carriers some in their pockets.

Thank for and sorry for grammer and/or any other mistakes.

here is the good boy
@debbie007 You will want to take him out to go potty as much as possible, so he doesn’t associate your house with going potty. As far as being more comfortable, it just takes time and patience. This should help get you started
@debbie007 My friends who have had cavs say they took a bit longer to potty train. Set your puppy up for success and do not let his brain learn that going potty inside is okay. Set your timer and go out frequently. I like to choose a particular spot and train my dogs to “Go Potty” when I tell them to. Treat generously but no potty = no treat. Your puppy will become more comfortable with time just try to give him the space he needs to get to know his new place and family.
@satan1568 thanks, for now we are not going far from home for comfort.

and there is an update :) we went to vet for check up (chip, shots etc) , and this one turned out to be pseudo hermophrodite :D even vet took his time to find out he is actually a she :D from outside everyone thought she was a he :D

obedience training is going smoothly but this puppy is teething so a bit mouthy , potty is going better but it seems pee will take longer . grooming is still in progress too.

another question if I may, how can we get her used to grooming her hind legs she has feathering so they could be matted

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