New 9 month old rescue - where to start?

We have just adopted a 9 month old rescue. She is a bit nervous but building confidence every day and is doing really well with our 9 year old lab. She has been with us for about a week and I’m not sure where/when to start working on training with her. How long should I give her to adjust/aclimate? She knows ‘sit’ and is clearly smart, her fosters said she picked it up super easily. Where do I go from there? Loose leash walking? Stay? Something else? Help!
@everyoneneedsjesus I love this channel on YouTube called ‘how to train a dream dog’ they teach fear-free techniques that are probably way more helpful towards building a relationship with a rescue pup who likely experienced some scary things already in their life. I believe they offer courses too but their videos are a great place to start learning, I binged almost all of their videos one night and felt like I finally knew what to do to be the best momma for my little one 🦮:)

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