Neuter Question


New member
When did you get your dog neutered? He’s half heeler half border collie. My guy is 4 months old and 18 pounds. The shelter by me said 6 months for small/medium dogs and a year old for large dogs. I’m conflicted on whether he’s going to be medium or large.
@hotleatherworld As far as I’ve understood it, it is more of a “when they’re done growing thing” than an age thing, so if it were me, I would wait until they were done growing before giving them the big snip.
@trinity47 I've read the same especially about working dog breeds. They need their hormones to grow healthy joints and ligaments, etc. Our 100% ACD just turned 1 on 3/29. He's going for his snip in June. My older dog (BC/ACD) was fixed when we got him at 3 months old. According to his surgeon, my older dog (A) has the worst knees the surgeon has ever seen. Can't help but wonder if A hadn't been snipped so early if it would have been better for him.
@hotleatherworld Half and half of those breeds will typically result in a medium sized dog. I had my heeler neutered at just past 6 months but anywhere from 6 months to a year should he fine. If they are a rescue then the ages can tend to be slightly off as they're making their best educated guess. Best of luck!