Need some help picking good shoes!


New member
Ok so a little back ground first. I am not a dog groomer but my girlfriend is. I love her very much, but the smell from her feet after work could kill someone. I think it might be the shoes she wears. She is currently wearing some "waterproof" slip on shoes which being slip on does not do much when she is bathing. (At her store they bath their own dogs not sure if that's normal but just incase) I also cant imagine they are super comfy. I am thinking about surprising her with a new nice pair of shoes so that's why I am seeking help. So far I am considering these but as I am not a groomer I have no idea. Hoping the better water proofing ill help with the smell. Also I saw a post suggesting Crocs, she isn't allowed to wear them has to be a shoe shoe and also black in color.

Also do most of you wear normal socks or like special water proof socks?

Edit: I should add we live in Alaska so they need to be kinda warm. She also has to walk 30 minutes to work at least once a week. So im probably going to have to spring for 2 pairs of shoes but....
@eveandrews I have to agree with the others that those shoes will definitely not aid in your quest for better smelling feet. To be totally honest with you, I buy Walmart cheapo tennis shoe types. They don't make you sweat a lot, and if they do get water in them, you can wash them easily in your regular clothing washer. I wash my shoes about bi-weekly, and it keeps shoe smell down to a minimum. I've tried all kinds of shoes, and the worst ones are any with fuzz on the inside or croc types made of rubber. Just made me sweat like a pig, and I almost never sweat. But in the end, she has a gross job and that pretty much means her work stuff is gonna smell gross too. I try bleaching my smocks and they still smell like nasty wet dog. Just comes with the job. But, my switch to washing my shoes regularly helped with shoe smell 10 fold.
@eveandrews I have been wearing these for several years now. I need to get a new pair as I have been slipping a bit lately. I really should be getting a new pair every year. They aren't slip on but I rarely untie them and I treat them like slip ons.

Skechers for Work Women's 76551 Eldred Work Shoe

Oh, and she shouldn't be wearing her work shoes outside of work. Personally, I wear my regular shoes and socks to work, change shoes and socks at work, change out when done and throw the work socks in the laundry with the towels. No stinky feet!
@pattimayo I agree with only wearing work shoes at work and changing once you get there. Taking care of your feet is a big deal when grooming. If you go cheap in the long run you developed foot, knee and back problems which all start at unsupportive shoes. Nurses shoes work great. I personally wear shoes made for chefs. They are light weight, slip resistant, and have no holes for hair to get in like some crocs can. They are also made for people who can spend up to 12 hours a day on their feet. Not cheap but you don't have to buy a new pair every year. Just a suggestion. It's a sweet idea for a gift.
@eveandrews I don't notice any foot fatigue. They have moderate padding and sole. Less than a running or walking shoes, more than, say, a Converse. Very flexible. Waterproof but sits low on the ankle so water can drip in. I haven't had much problems with my feet getting wet unless I'm washing a big hairy that thinks I need a bath as much as it does.
@eveandrews I would focus more on better quality socks than shoes as a gift. Shoes are so personal, peoples feet are so different, what works for one person will not work for another. Socks are much more forgiving.

I'd look for some smartwool-type socks. The wool of today is not the wool of yesterday. Wool is great for hot or cold, and definitely for wet.
@eveandrews I'm assuming she doesn't wear socks with the slip ons? That's probably where the smell is coming from.

I just wear slip resistant running shoes at work. When I worked at a place where dogs were washed on the ground I would switch into some cheap rain boots while washing then back to my regular shoes after.
@eveandrews Okay, if you don't like the smell of her feet now just wait till her feet have sweated in those things for 8 hours. Those are winter boots. They still might get a little water in them and she'll sweat her feet off. Try for gardening shoes or walmart has croc like shoes with no holes and a back to them for like 20 bucks and completely water proof.
@jltaylor196335 Well im not sure if the smell is due to her sweating, or her feet just getting soaked in slip on shoes. Her feet never smell except after work and even then its only a couple times a week.
@eveandrews The point is she's not hiking the hymalains, She's grooming. They are way too hot. My boyfriend bought me bogs one time and my feet would sweat more than they would ever get wet. And I played sports my whole life, I don't just have sweaty feet. Do what you want, but you asked for advice.
@eveandrews When I worked at a shop where my feet get wet (at current shop we don't bathe dogs on the ground so I never really get wet) the only thing that came close to working was rain boots. But even those sucked due to the sweating. But sneakers, crocs, and other "waterproof" shoes were useless. I wish you luck on the shoe hunt though!