Need some help here!


New member
Hi, I brought home last week my first puppy, she is a 15weeks old spanielxbeagle. I work a full time job but I spend with her a couple of hours in the morning (1 and 1) 1hour lunchtime and all the evening usually she’s awake for 2.5/3 h before I put her back in the crate to sleep. I check on her every 3 hours sometimes 4 for food and n.1 and 2.
The house was ready, new fence around the big garden crate ready, after a few days off I started working again on my regular schedule and it was going great: plenty of sleep, no problem with potty training, she has already learn the name, sit and almost to come when I call her so training is going pretty well… until this evening, now I have to admit that today has been a long day and unfortunately we had a couple of problems at work so I probably didn’t stay with her enough but is a one time only, anyway I arrived at home and it was like the past week and a half was gone, running like crazy, peeing on the house floor, not listening to me a single time. Should I be worried about this behaviour or is it normal for a puppy to act like this?
I want to let everyone know that I’m trying to do the best I can and is my first puppy so before judging remember you probably went through the same things I’m going through now! Thank you everyone
I want to add, she was out for two hours now and she calmed down a bit, as soon as I brought her inside she started again to act crazy? Would it help to put her in the crate to calm down a bit?