Need help with an adopted 7 months old Airedale Terrier


New member
She grew up in a k9 training facility around other dogs and has already been crate trained. I've had her for 2 days now and she has no anxiety around my cousin's boxer(different house) but is very nervous/scared around me. She does not bark or bite or demonstrate any destructive behavior, just pretty much stays in one place the whole day.
  1. She will eat treats but will not go anywhere without me picking her up. How can I get her to come outside if she refuses to move anywhere? Luring her with treats does not do anything.
2) Should I wait a couple more days to see if she settles in to start implementing training? She's only been crate trained

3) Is it OK to physically pick up a dog to take her outside/inside? That's what I've been doing to get her to come outside for potty. I need to take her to the vet tomorrow so I don't see any other choice currently.

4) Is it a good idea to block off the area where she sits all day to get her more acclimated with the rest of the house?

Took this video to show you guys.
@siskie When we first got Ollie, he didn’t leave his crate for 3 days. I left his bowl right outside his door and he would come out for meals, and we left his harness on (it had a handle) so we could ease him out to go potty.

Definitely just let her be for a week or so. Only take her out when necessary. I used to sit on the couch, far away from him but within eyesight, and just read or sing to myself! It did get worse before it got better, LOL. He refused to walk down the hallway from our door to our elevator for about a month, and it took 20 minutes before work for me to coax him with treats.

He’s a totally different dog now! Does zoomies in the hall, has to be coaxed into his crate when we leave, and bounces around like Tigger in the house. Imagine if you were dragged halfway across the country and put in a stranger’s house with no way or communicating. It would take you a while to get truly adjusted, and it’s no different for our pups :)

ETA according to his embark test, he’s 20% Airedale too 😅
@lionhearted So tomorrow would be 3 weeks since I got her. She's gotten better, and now will stay in the same room with me the whole day and sleep on the floor no problem. However she'll try to move away when I get close and wont come close to me when I call. Do you think I should give it some more time?
@siskie Honestly, I’m pretty new to the world of shy dogs and am guessing it’s different from dog to dog regarding the root of their anxiety and how to address it. Ours is anxious-attached. So when he gets scared, he tries to come closer and gets cuddly to make himself seem like less of a threat. Our trainer recently shared information on her page about a friend of hers who is doing remote training—would you like the information? I trust my trainer 100% but don’t know anything about the trainer she posted personally.
@siskie To get her outside and in the car I see no harm but dont pick her up and force her to go to new parts of the house. I would try baby gates and make her spot where she doesnt want to move more secure feeling. She night just be very on edge being in a new environment. She will come around slowly. Try seeing if YouTube has gentle ways to coax her out once shes acclimated because she did go from something she was used to to a new home so shes probably scared.

If she comes out and starts being comfortable dont be loud use a quiet voice say good girl and hand her treats.
@thewritingmommy Thank you for your help. I used a ground shipper who had her in the backseat of a car in a travel crate. She was picked up from Alabama and moved to Texas within 24 hours and today would be her 3rd day here. Would leaving her in my backyard for an hour or two unattended help also?
@siskie I would thinks so only because yes shes left alone but all the sounds and such may overwhelm her. Usually smaller spaces and somewhere safe feeling is best in my experience. She might end up doing the same thing in the back yard as she does in the house which is what you dont want. Itll come with time. The face that she is 7 months old is a big factor because most puppies snap out of it quicker when they are a few months old.
So for her she will probably gradually get better, but it may take a month or 2 till she is fully acclimated and not nervous about being there.
@siskie 2 days is absolutely no time at all, she's in a new environment, doesn't know you or your family, it's a scary time for her! Give her time and a safe space to settle in, don't force interactions! She'll blossom I'm sure!
@siskie Have you heard of the rule of 3? It's good as a general basis but of course all dogs are different so some may settle in more quickly and for others it may take months or years :) All the best!
@mrssavage Yes, days/weeks/months. I'll try to get the other dog to come for play dates hopefully that will cheer her up since its just me and her right now.
@siskie Airedales are tricky pups! One of my absolute favourite breeds.
It’s only been a few days, I would give more time to adjust! Sometimes when everything is new it can be pretty scary.

Instead of carrying pup outside, it may be beneficial to put the leash and collar and guide outside? Then they will get used to it.

For the first little while after I adopted my dog I had to do that as she was very nervous about the stairs! As time went on and we got more comfortable with each other and our new lives together she learned that everything was okay, and no longer needed to be guided!

Good luck, I’m very jealous, they’re such a smart and fun breed!
@hwereson Thank you! I tried last night with the leash to no avail. I think I'll continue picking her up for now at least and try the leash again in a couple days.