Need Advice!

sorry for the long text!!

i had left me previous job as a grooming assistant about 2 weeks ago. (it was great till the end; when i realise i was getting underpaid, worked to the bone, and when i tried bringing it up to my boss she just shrug and told me to figure it out)

i’ve been looking and here are my two options.
1. this academy which i am planning to study in may. they have a chain of stores and the commute is about an hour away. i am only keen on part time as the full time salary is horrible. and on the side i start my own house call business (for basic grooming and shower only as i had not gotten my cert)
  1. a HUGE dog centre which has everything (grooming, retail, sale of puppies and kitten, dog swimming pool and daycare). for 2 days of the week they will allow me to practice my grooming. but for the remaining days, i will be in charge of the retail side though. which includes making appointments, taking care of the puppies, just mostly desk job im guessing? the pay is also way better (+$1k more than my previous job). they know i’m going to study in may and are keen to make arrangements to further my grooming career. (they have a senior groomer coming in to teach a workshop in feb and they are more than happy to let me participate)
the problem is im scared the other days of the week i would feel unhappy and jealous looking at the groomers as grooming is my passion. (albeit it is only till may). also i do like talking to customers and handling enquires (also get to take care of some very very cute puppies!) it is a 6 day work week but its practically short shifts and i can be back home by 4pm. i feel like they really care for me and is interested to see me progress long term. (they are planning to open an academy in the future)

the problem w option 1 is that i am abit scared to set out on my own. and also i obv wouldn’t be earning as much and my client base would take a while to be established.

i really dont want to miss this amazing opportunity with this company (option 2) as their work ethics really align with mine.

note: i am going for a trial day on Wednesday so fingers cross hopefully everything will just click and feel right.

ETA: they also said they would ask me to help with grooming when it gets too busy
@looking_for_answers_ 2 seems like the safer option. I think you should consider seeing the other groomers working while you can't as more motivation rather than something to be envious of. It's likely they even got started the way that you are. And I think the client relations and scheduling aspect is invaluable knowledge that will help you if you pursue the home grooming option in the future.

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