Need advice on taking care of my paralyzed pug


New member
Hello all,

I know that I can google this or speak with my vet, but I just wanted some advice from anyone who may have firsthand experience with taking care of a paralyzed dog.

My pug, Burke, is 14 years old and about 2 weeks ago he fell off of a platform outside of our apartment. I feel terrible that it’s happened and I can’t go back and change that part, so please refrain from shaming me for that because that’s a whole other thing I’m currently dealing with.

I took him to the emergency vet the day that it happened, and they kept him overnight and did x-rays. The x-rays were inconclusive and the vet recommended an MRI. However, agreeing to the MRI meant agreeing to immediate surgery. I did not want to put my old man through that. I decided to take him home and care for him the best that I can.

He is incontinent and my partner and I have to manually express his bladder and bowels. He is constantly leaking urine though, and I’m not sure how much control he has of his bowels. The poop still falls out of him sometimes. He is still his old self, eating and drinking okay, and seems in good spirits.

Here are the areas where I need advice:
  1. What kind of bed to use that’s easy to wash daily? I currently put down a potty pad and a towel on top of the dog bed. Even in a diaper, everything smells like pee.
  2. What to wash him with and how often? I wash him and change his diaper about 3-4 times a day. I wash him with antibacterial soap and some dog shampoo with warm water and a wash rag. I’m afraid this may be irritating him. I also apply lotion before putting on the diaper.
Also, if there’s another sub I should share this in that y’all think would be helpful please let me know. Thank you!:)

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