Need advice! Accidental breeding


New member
Before I start I’d like to acknowledge that this happened due to irresponsibility and stupidity on my part, my dog is getting spayed in a month so this won’t happen again!

My parents are starting to breed miniature German spitz as my dad fell in love with the breed; they are the perfect active dogs for his lifestyle, go hunting with him and can withstand the cold climate we live in even though they’re only about 10 lbs! ( had to add that in as they really are an awesome underrated breed) About two years ago I bought my little mutt, she’s mostly a Biewer terrier but she’s much bigger then the standard so she definitely has something else mixed in there. My parents stud somehow got her pregnant (I didn’t even know she was pregnant until about two weeks before she had them) and they are the cutest little things but I’m having a lot of trouble finding them homes! I tried giving them to people I know and having them only pay for their first needles but so far only one person has taken me up on the offer. You can’t post them on Facebook without it getting taken down so I’m lost on how to get them to their homes! Any and all advice is appreciated!!
@ggp80 You can post on Facebook that you have puppies and to message you for information. Post pictures of them. Make sure you do NOT say they are for sale or price, just if interested in them to message you.

Check with your vet if they know anyone that might be interested in a puppy, not likely but a chance.

Post on local store bulletin boards, and any/all vet offices around.

Is there a local shelter/rescue that would be able to help?

It's hard, especially if you have not planned it all out before hand.
@home4good No dog should be free, but you should only try a reasonable fee to cover some of your costs. Make sure you interview people to make sure they are an appropriate home. Make a flyer with tear off numbers with a flattering picture of the puppies and a bit of information on how they were raised, that they will or did have a well puppy check, etc.. Post the flyer in vet offices, pet stores, feed stores and the like. Use your FB feed with public posts of the puppies doing cute puppy things but do not put for sale just PM if interested in learning more about the availability of the puppies. Here's a good link to questions to ask so you vet your puppy buyers: . Good luck and depending on where you live, a great time to place puppies is spring.
@ggp80 In terms of advertising, make sure it’s obvious that they are the accidental offspring of your very well-cared for, nice temperament, healthy pets. People are suitably cautious about supporting backyard breeders or puppy mills who just want to make money so you need to make it very clear that you don’t fall into this category.

Use photos of them inside, with the mum and say how they’ve been brought up and socialised. Well taken care of and socialised puppies are generally easier and healthier than if they’ve just been left to “get on with it” so people want to know that they’ve been well-taken care of.

They should be fairly small and cute even when they grow up so it shouldn’t be too hard finding people who want them, especially if you’re only charging for the vaccines. Good luck, sorry I can’t help you with where to advertise!
@ggp80 Your history is pro breeder and your dad is a professional breeder. (How many litters does one man need for hunting companions?) Quit trying to twist your story to explain why two dogs produced puppies to drum up sympathy and interest.

Give those 'accidental' puppies away for free and you should have no problem.