Name ideas for male heeler


New member
Hello, I’m currently living without a dog as I just finished up my second college degree and am finally ready to start my life! Of course than means a dog which will obviously be an ACD as that’s what I’ve had my entire life and I want a hiking buddy which they are great for. Anyways I’m looking for a name for when I get my heeler, I want a male preferably. And I tend to like unique/edgy names. My family ACD is named Axel so I can’t use that plus it’s too popular now. But I’ll list some I like, to give you all an idea of what I’m looking for.

Surge, Zion, Austi, Sonic, Rex, Blaze, Ryker, and Turbo.

I really like names with an x or z in them. I also think a Native American related name would be cool! Additionally I’m also pretty into cars/trucks so things like diesel and such are cute but I can’t think of anymore!

Also if anyone knows where I can find a breeder in Indiana or a website I can use I would really appreciate it! But I’m willing to drive so even Kentucky, Illinois, Ohio, and Michigan are okay. Unless I find one in the shelters that’s cat safe I obviously will swoop up!
@cholachrist Our ACD is named Eevee, due to his resemblance and our love of early Pokémon. However I always thought Nitro would be a great name for these dingos. Especially when they get the zoomies.
@cholachrist A couple I've heard recently are Riggs and Costner. My last one was Foster (Australian for Beer) and currently Poppy (red heeler rescue who's name was Pepper) Don't plan too far ahead, personality plays a big part!