My wonderful first day with Toccio-


New member
Hi! I posted a few days ago about my plans for and my concerns about adopting Toccio. I wanted to let you know a bit about our first two days, especially since they have gone so well, in no small part because of your warm support, encouragement and guidance.

The entry plan worked so well! Toccio entered wearing his harness, on a lead, with his owner with no drama or ceremony. He was happy and confident and started exploring. When he, and C, his male owner, who I had not previously met, discovered the dog bed placed in a cozy, sheltered space under the dining table, the trail of treats leading to it, and the toys I had placed near it, C said, “wow, you’ve really done your homework.”He started to lead Toccio’s explorations in my direction, and I said, “actually, I’d like Toccio to approach me when *he* wants to.” “You are correct,” said C.Almost as soon as I’d said the words, Toccio was checking me out, of his own initiative, and, it felt like seconds later, he hopped up on the couch beside me, all friendly and sweet. A moment later, he was in my lap! he stayed there while C and I were talking, Toccio and I both getting all melty over each other- such a snuggly cuddle bug- and then he gave me a little kiss! I tried to stay very calm, and just mouthed, “OH MY GOD!” to C.

When C left, of course Toccio was distressed, and bounced around the door, and tried to look out of the windows (I had the blinds pulled down to insulate us from sights and sounds from my street that might be triggering, and also to contribute to the coziness.) So, I drew on knowledge I had learned many, many, many (!) years ago, when helping kids at summer camp get over homesickness: give comfort, and move quickly into a positive, engaging and distracting activity! Tried and true! (although I think used a lot of treats too!)That day, we went on 5 walks- two short, three long. He was not very reactive towards people or other dogs, so, I thought! ha! I don’t know what all the fuss was about! All he needed was meeeeee! lol

But a little voice in my head said, you know, maybe just wait. :)

We also played! I don’t think he actually had had any toys. ever. When I asked his female owner about how he liked to play, and what were his favourite toys, she said that he really didn’t have many toys, but he had a bone. When C brought him to me, and saw the toys I’d put around the room, he said, “Oh! I forgot to bring his toys.” Make of that what you will. I introduced the idea of “tug” to him, and he got right into it! We play- fought over possession of one of the soft toys I’d got for him, and he made playful growls and shook his head. He only seems to take hold of toys by the thinnest edge, so it’s really easy to get them away from him in a good game of tug. He reacts very well to this! He knows it’s part of the game. I throw it, he scrabbles across the room after it, and comes back in happy triumph! He also like playing fetch!

Toccio didn’t poo on any of our five walks. He pee’d quite often, and I praised him each time.

His owners said he used a pee pad, and I put it near the door, cause I wanted him to associate peeing with going out from the beginning. I showed him where it was, but he didn’t seem to really take any notice of it.

So, there were accidents. He poo’d a couple of times and pee’d once, upstairs, which is carpeted. I really didn’t think he was going to want to follow me upstairs to my bedroom so soon! (I’d closed off those areas). So, I hadn’t prepared for this. I had also asked his owners about his poo habits, and they didn’t respond to the question. I also knew that accidents often happen when a dog moves to a new home, cause of anxiety, and with the neglect that Toccio has suffered…? I didn’t worry. I decided that if it happened again, I’d just lay out a tarp on my bedroom floor.

I meant for this to be a brief update! And I haven’t even got to day 2, when Toccio was relaxed and secure enough that he let his reactivity fly! More on that later.

Thank you so much again for your support. I am learning so much just from reading topics and comments!