My roommate is neglecting his dog


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TLDR; my roommate fully neglects his dog and doesn’t seem to care whenever I bring up my concerns or suggest changes he could make to take better care of him. I’m moving out in a couple days and I want to do something about it. Is there someone I can call to check out the situation? I live in LA. I feel so bad for the poor thing

So my roommate has a 2 year old dog named Prince, some sort of corgi/Chihuahua mix, that he got a year ago from a shelter. It seems his first year before we found him might’ve been a little rough and he was never properly trained. I don’t think my roommate was expecting him to be as much work as he is. He had a dog previously that died about a year before he got Prince, and he wasn’t the best behaved but he was definitely better trained than Prince. He goes to the bathroom inside constantly and barks like crazy at every noise and every person that comes over and has SOO much energy. But I’m honestly convinced the reason he’s still like this after a year is because of how my roommate treats him. Prince has this little crate that he’s stuck inside for probably on average 19-22 hours a day. he gets taken out about twice a day for about 5-10 minutes just to go the the bathroom. Most of the time he doesn’t even walk him, he’ll just take him to the little grassy area outside our apt building then back inside. Then he feeds him and puts him right back in the crate. Sometimes when he’s inhabiting the living room watching tv, he’ll let the dog out of his crate for a couple hours and will spend some time with him. But mind you this is usually between 2 and 5 am when the dog should be sleeping. And bc my roommates sleep schedule is so messed up, Prince doesn’t usually get let out until 3-5 pm.. when I brought that up with my roommate, he said the dog has adjusted to his schedule, which I feel like isn’t how dogs work probably. I also once wrote him a whole thing, basically saying everything I’m saying now, and that I’m concerned for the dog and he literally just said “okay.” I’ve also told him that he should hire a dog walker or a sitter or doggy day care for when he is gonna be out all day, but he always just says he can’t afford it (then buys a 250$ bag). Even now, he’s away for work for three weeks and only has his boyfriend stopping by twice a day to feed him. Every one of my friends that comes over says they feel so sad for the dog and also that he looks really skinny. I feel so bad every time I see that dog that I end up taking him for (actual) walks and letting him out while I’m in the living room. The thing about that though is he is a lot of work and you have to constantly pay attention to him or he will do something he knows he’s not supposed to. And, well, there’s a reason I don’t have a dog, I just know I don’t have the time and energy to take care of one properly, at least for now. That, and I’m moving out in a couple days and I’m worried for Prince once I leave. My question is, what can I do about this? It’s it all really as bad as I feel like it is? I live in Los Angeles and I’m wondering if there’s a hotline or someone I can call to come check out the situation. But I do feel kinda guilty making him lose his dog because I know he would be so sad and that he does love the dog he’s just not responsible enough. It’d be nice to have someone come here and ask him questions and tell him what he needs to do better in order to keep the dog, but if they do decide to relocate the dog, then that’s probably for the best. My boyfriend keeps telling me to steal the dog and give him to him and I honestly wish I could.