My puppy stopped eating! He may also have

My puppy skipped a meal yesterday and his poop had mucus. I got scared and sent him to the vet. They didn't find parasites in his stool, and he was tested clear on ccv/cpv/cnv?... They suspected he has intestinal infection and gave him a shot of antibiotic. They noticed his blood work with some abnormal results.
RBC= 4.23L
MCV= 74.2H
RDW%= 15.9
RDWa= 57.6
HCT= 31.4L
PLT= 69L
LYM= 5.2H
Abnormal WBC distribution
Anemia, evaluate RBC on slides..

The vet suggested giving him more puppy supplements.( the paste looking one that came in a tube)

He was sleeping the whole day and ate a big meal for dinner. Today he ate breakfast fine but stopped eating dinner again. He pooped a lot and just looked tired most of the time. He is my first puppy and I really don't want him to die. Am I overreacting or should I bring him to the vet again?

He was born Dec 4th, 2013, he weights about 9 pounds and is a Japanese spitz puppy.
@catherine_of_the_faith Hey, I'd pop over to /r/AskVet with your results. They'll have a better read on things. Did the vet recommend bland dieting (boiled chicken and white rice)? That's pretty common with minor infections and upset tummies. Is he drinking?
@catherine_of_the_faith This might just be a kitten thing, but canned pumpkin helps if a cat is having loose stools. If that's an issue, maybe look into using it for puppies? I did this when my girl (cat) was little and had extended periods of loose stools, but it hasn't been an issue with my dog in the past.

Have you tried cooking some chicken breast or adding broth to the food to keep puppy hydrated, and hopefully more interested in food?
@catherine_of_the_faith Anemia in puppies is pretty common as a result of a parasitic infection. The presence of granulocytes may indicate basophils which fight parasitic worms. He may have something called giardia, which is hard to find in a fecal exam, or parvovirus which you won't find in a fecal exam.

If your puppy continues to have diarrhea or progresses to vomiting, I would definitely take him back and ask for those tests to be ran.
@catherine_of_the_faith I'm no vet so you absolutely shouldn't take my advise BUT.....

My dog often has mucousy poo, and has since he was a puppy. Often it's the first part of his poo that's mucousy, and the rest is ok. Rarely, it's mucous throughout. I also freaked out about it at first (especially since I got him from, and lived in, a situation where parasites and infections were a daily worry). However, after a lot of research I found out this is normal for a lot of dogs. I still worried for a long time, until it'd been a year of this and I realized he was totally healthy and it WAS actually normal.

I think you've done right to take him to the vet, but if everything is coming up normal and treatments aren't changing it, I think it's probably just one of those "normal" things. As my dog got older the mucous became less frequent, and every vet he sees remarks how healthy he is. So explore all the possible health issues, but don't think it's the end of the world either.

Edit: I type dumb.