My puppy of 5 months isn’t eating but is drinking!!


New member
This morning he wouldn’t come out of his house until just now when I arrived home he started jumping towards me and cuddling up against me I tried to give him canned food instead of his kibble but he didn’t eat that, what should I do! But I gave him some milk to clear his system (he drank all of it) cause I feel as if my neighbors might have gave him something toxic to him while he was outside playing, was that a bad idea giving him a bit of milk! Please anything would help! EDIT: He is all good now thank you all for your help!
@davetl First comment pretty much gave you all the advice you need, but I wanna add that if you have even the slightest concern about your neighbors giving something toxic or doing something bad to your pup, please please make sure you keep your dog inside while you're not there to check on him.

I got my first dog killed by my neighbors, they literally poisoned her. So now my current dog it's outside only if someone in the family can be checking in on her.
@davetl Keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't act agitated or sick (mine lick carpet, eat grass, pace or dry heave when their stomachs feel bad).

If he stops drinking or won't eat his breakfast, or if he misses a poop or 2, call your vet.

I don't know how old a dog needs to be to give them gas-x for gas, or pepcid for an upset stomach, or if there is a minimum weight.

If you have any, give him some canned pumpkin with some rice or white bread. It seems to do wonders for the doggy digestion.

At 5 months old, one missed meal won't hurt the little guy too much.
@sabko Thank you! I’ll definitely try out the pumpkin with rice and bread, if he doesn’t seem better by tomorrow I’ll definitely take him to the vet.
@davetl Rice, white bread or plain unsweetened cooked oatmeal along with boiled meat is good.bland food for sad tummies. Hope your little guy just got into something non-hazardous, has a huge burp and feels better soon! The furry little monsters have a talent for eating things that hurt them (like my beagle who ate a whole turkey carcass, or my basset who likes eating snow then gets sick from ice melt. Sigh)
@davetl You could always try to put a bit of plain yogurt on his food. My dog is a grazer and he sometimes just wont eat I give him a bit of yogurt and he goes for his food. It’s almost like he forgot he was hungry.
@davetl Don't panic.
My dog has missed a number of meals on his own accord. He will often not eat the whille thing then come back for it when he's hungry or feels like it. He's also pretty lazy so he's not burning calories fast anyways. He's also 130 pounds so... he's not going hungry if he wants it.

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