My puppy (5 months cocker spaniel F) does not signal for potty


New member
Hello r/puppy101,

Been scratching me head at this one for a bit now, Aria is mainly doing very well with her house training and basic commands, but on occasion she will very quietly just pee somewhere without ever attempting to signal (your typical circling/sniffing, etc). I’ve looked at some comments of people mentioning bells and such but am concerned she’s not aware that she needs to let us know?

We have a pretty solid schedule which is a success for the most part, but rarely she’ll be found peeing in the corridor, she’ll just lift herself from the spot she’s lying/sitting on and does it without much fuss, it’s kinda funny 😆

Any advice/direction welcome, especially on your experiences with a bell or other ways to signal
@mathman141 Interested to hear what others have to say about this. My girls have a bell and know how to use it and are pretty good MOST of the time but occasionally they will just suddenly squat and go. No signal or circling or anything. And they are so small (10 wk toy aussies) that they are done peeing well before you can get to them to take them outside. They've even come from outside where we just went out to see if we need to potty and do it in the house or I'll have the door open for them and be zipping up my coat and one has walked away from the door and pee'd.
@matthias10000 Hahah I can relate, she done that a couple of times when she was smaller, tried the usual stuff, crate training and going out every 2 hours and after any nap, play, meal and she got much better. It really is just the lack of signals that throws me for a loop sometimes.

How did you introduce the bell to them?
@mathman141 We hung the bell by the back door and bumped a paw or nose against it every time we went out and praised them effusively and then went out. No treats involved because I didn't want them to associate the bell with a tasty bite. They picked it up within a day or two.
@mathman141 My pup of 4.5 months doesn’t necessarily single or give any audio queue. He will just sit at the top of the stairs waiting until someone notices him or sit down at the front door until someone notices to go out so far.

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