My italian greyhound mix (8,F) is experiencing multiple symptoms of something I don't know


New member
She ate her food as normal [half dry/half moist with healthy toppers] and looked okay after her walk. But about an hour later, she began to vomit her food. Afterwards, she would not stop shaking as if she was cold. When it was time to eat again, she refused and that's when I noticed her trembling got worse. Her heart sounds like its pounding and she looks so lethargic/weak, it made me cry. She can barely get up and instead is attempting to lay or sit and I can't tell what it is because it all happened so abruptly. Her head keeps slightly swaying all the while her entire body is shaking despite attempts to warm her.
She threw up one more time and it just looked like the food I gave her.

She also keeps licking her lips, making faces like she's about to heave, and doesn't want to move. I don't know if she ate something or if the grass was bad or what! But I can't afford the vet hospital bill so I need to wait for her vet to open at 8.
Does anyone have any idea what this is? I'm so worried, I cannot stop tearing up.

Is it Bloat? Is it some form of heart failure? hypoglycemia? I just want to know if anyone has experienced this and see if there's hope my baby can survive this.
@davidpeter1 Your dog needs to see a vet ASAP. Impossible to diagnose over the internet, but your dog is clearly in a lot of pain (the shaking is likely pain, not cold) and distress. Please find a way to take her to the emergency.

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