My fully potty trained dog is peeing in our house


New member
I first want to clarify that this is a recent problem we’re having with him. Take both of our dogs out 5 times a day and it seems we’re only having this issue with one dog. We take him out 5 times a day anywhere between 3-6 hours apart from each other, pretty much whenever we get the chance to anymore. We’ve tried giving him routine, Restarting the potty training from square one. We’ve tried everything we can think of. I don’t know if he’s just marking the house or what but does anyone have any tips for training him out of this because it’s getting to be a problem.
@joeydee UTI? I'm miles from an expert, but they're common in cats, so when they start peeing where they shouldn't that's where my thoughts tend to go.
@joeydee Any change like this the first step is to rule out something medical. It could be something as simple as a UTI or bladder stones or more complex like a pressed nerve or even cancer.

If he is medically cleared then I would get one of those dog urine enzyme cleaning products. You can search on Amazon. It prevents dogs from wanting to go in the same place again and again.

Lastly try bell training so he can let you know when he needs to go out.
@joeydee Oh I just remembered something. I dog sat for a friend who had a dog that needed meds to help control her bladder because she would sometimes have accidents. I can't remember what they were called. This was about 20 years ago. Maybe call the vet and ask too?
I'm so sorry you and your pup are going through this. I wish I had better advice.