My dogs won't stop pottying on the floor!


New member
So, I know this is our fault. Our dogs are not super well trained. To be fair, they haven't had to be before this. Things have been fine up until now.

My roommate and I have five dogs between us plus one foster dog. The foster dog and my older dog are not the problem. They are very good at holding their bladders. The problem are the four others. We have a 6 y/o, a 3y/o, a 1 y/o and a 9 month old. The 1 year old is the smallest. She's probably around 15-20 pounds. The rest are medium dogs around 25-35 lbs, give or take.

The problem with these four is that we will let them outside, and they will either just not go to the bathroom, or they will go to the bathroom, and then potty on the floor immediately when they come in. And dogs should be able to hold their bladders for over three hours, right? Why do we have to let them outside every three hours? Honestly, I think they're doing it on purpose. Like, they know that outside is for bathroom, because most of them pee almost immediately after going outside. But it's like they just piss on the floor because they can and we can't discipline them for it because we don't catch them doing it.

Please help. These doggos are driving us nuts, and we love the shit out of them, so they're just going to keep driving us nuts. Please try to be kind. I know we're shit at dog training. Out dogs are very loved and spoiled otherwise.

These assholes. The brown one in the front is 3. The mini next to her is 1. The white spotty one with the dumb look is 6, my fluffy big boi is 9 and the white one in the back is my baby. She's 9 months.
@aletia Potty training after 5 months takes bit more time

Command based training, Open Door and Command "Wee" or "Toliet"

For now you need to stand outside with them, until they learn (no sneaking back inside)

Could be an hour, 5 mins, but you have to wait until they go

Then Praise with their name "Good Boy Paddy", let back in and so on... no big song and dance just praise

Accidents in the home, clean it and let them out to reinforce routine..

Short cut of leaving door open all the time is not an option as there is no command to go.

Eventually it should be, Open door, Wee, Good Boy Paddy, Back In...

Best of Luck, You have a lovely pack of Guilty Looking Souls there LOL
@mariab97 We have to stand outside with them anyway because two of those jerks like to escape out the fence and joyride around the neighborhood. One of them gets put on a lead, but the dumb one is just dumb enough that if we say his name when he's thinking of escaping, he'll come to us. We usually go back inside once he's inside, but if we have to stand outside until the rest of them go, that's what we'll have to do. They just went seven hours with no accidents though, so I'm feeling a little hopeful.